Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Place of Peace--Teachers Write Tuesday Quick-Write

"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives." --Albert Einstein

Tuesday Quick-Write: 
Write for two minutes to describe a very specific place.  If you’re just free-writing, it can be a place that you love, or have visited, or a place that frightens you.

When many people think of their favorite place, they imagine some far-off land with gorgeous scenery or some picturesque city.  However, one of my favorite places is my crowded and cluttered living room.  If someone else walked into my living room right now, they might think a tornado had somehow snuck into the house, terrorizing only this one room.  Toys are scattered about the room, along with hats, slippers, blankets, and pillows.  From my eyes though, this room is full of laughter and fun, peace and snuggles.  This room is where I spend the majority of my time with my daughter.  As I look at the “mess,” I recall all the fun we have each day, especially on quiet mornings.  My hands can still feel the cool plastic of the Little People toys that Grace and I use to play “house.”  She especially loves the tiny yellow-and-blue-clad baby.  My head can still feel the scratch of Grace’s sombrero that she loves to put on my head and the soothing gentleness of her cool hands as she rubs its still-bald surface.  My ears still happily hum with the sounds of “Mommy!” and “Hugs!”  They can still hear my baby girl’s tinkling giggles and big belly laughs.  My mouth is still quietly humming the songs we sang today and thinking of the stories we read.  My arms, of course, remember the many times Grace runs to give her mom a big hug, warming me right to my very soul.  My chest is still warm from where my daughter laid her head to be rocked to sleep.  As I recall all of these wonderful sensations from my day, I am happy with my mess of a living room.  So happy, in fact, that I am leaving it a mess and writing insteadJ


  1. Such a sweet reflection. I agree. The best places are those with cluttered, messy evidences of love.

  2. Sara,
    Your description of the aftermath of a tornado going through the house resonates with me...I like how you sweetly tell of cuddles, snuggles and hugs, doing the things that a loving mommy does!
