Monday, June 4, 2012

"Making" Time to Write

"I must govern the clock, not be governed by it." --Golda Meir

How many times do I think to myself, "I wish I had more time to do _____" (Insert random activity here)?  However, being a mom, wife, daughter, teacher, friend, etc. keeps me pretty busy.  With the exception of making time for my daughter (which is both for my own benefit and hers), I often do not make time to do things for myself.  However, this summer, I am joining hundreds (yes, I said hundreds) of other teachers and librarians in an online writing camp called Teachers Write with author Kate Messner.  I'm excited, and at the same time worried that I won't be able to find the time to concentrate on my writing.  Ironically, Kate's first "assignment" for us was to think about just this topic- "making" time to write.  As she said to us, we will never just "find" time to write, we have to make it.  So, this is something I am doing for myself this summer:)  I encourage others to do just the same.  Make time to do something for yourself!  It might be writing, but it might not.  Find time to read a good book, exercising, or playing golf--but find something you enjoy:)

Here's my plan:)  I want to share it with everyone because, just like Kate said, people are more likely to accomplish tasks that they share with others.

1.  Since I need to make time to write and not except time to just magically fall in my lap, I'm going to have to cut back on something.  Therefore, instead of spending part of my evening after Grace goes to bed randomly perusing the internet, I'm going to cut back on that and focus a little bit of time on writing:)

2.  When will I write and for how long?  Right now, I'm going to start with a easily attainable goal and say that I will work on writing for 15-30 minutes a day most days of the week.  Obviously, life sometimes throws me curve balls, so it might not be every night.  During the summer, I plan to devote a little of my time once Grace goes to bed.  Once school starts in the fall, I will probably devote a little of my "quiet time" before school to writing.

3.  Where?  When I write at home, I plan to be in my comfy clothes in my comfy recliner with my laptop.  At school, I'll be sitting at my not-so-comfy desk, but surrounded my pictures of baby girl:)

4.  Finally, Kate asked us to share our plans--Well, I'm sharing them with all of you:D

I hope everyone has a happy Monday!


  1. Sara,
    Sounds like you have clearly thought out your plan! What other topic did you write about today?

    1. Thanks:) Hopefully I can follow through. Since I got a late start to my writing for the day, Kate had already posted the topic for today last night. I started writing all of my descriptive details so I could come back tonight and write my descriptive paragraph with fresh eyes.
